Acceptable file types and file set up

Adobe Illustrator: up to and including CS6. Please save as (.ai), (.eps), or (.pdf).
Adobe Photoshop: up to and including CS6. Please save as (.psd) or (.tif) and preserve layers if possible.
All art
  • Linked and embedded files must be included with your composite file.
  • The design must be sized and scaled to the overall product dimensions. We suggest creating at 100% of the actual size.
  • Use CMYK colour space (U.S. Web Coated SWOP V2). This will assist with the predictability of results across all our fabrics.
  • Whenever possible, please assign a Pantone value.
Vector art
  • Convert all text to paths.
  • Whenever possible, use Pantone values. This will ensure more accurate colour reproduction.
  • Pantone colours should not be blended with process colour.
  • Special effects such as drop shadows, overprinting, or transparencies should not be used as they
    could have an unexpected outcome.
Rasterized art
  • Low-resolution artwork should not be resized to meet our minimum requirements. Please send a hard copy that can be scanned.